
Interiors of the Main Villa and Lake House

  • The main house has a grand winding staircase, perfect for photos, with an elegant foyer
  • Both the Villa and Lake house  have unique art work and exquisite decor


  • There are two formal dining areas in the main house as well as a huge banquet room for larger groups
  • The Main Villa has a music room complete with a piano and unique art deco pieces
  • There are ample numbers of rest rooms throughout the property which will be pointed out during the orientation/walking tour


  • The Main Villa has a large conference room, perfect for corporate presentations
  • Private counseling office:  It is here that we conduct private health counseling for our guests.  We have our first aid kit here as well as a defibrillator
  • The Main Villa Kitchen is where it all happens!  Throughout the day, you can smell the tantalizing aromas of the next meal being created by our world class chefs.  We hold cooking classes here and just outside of the kitchen we hold our sprouting classes


  • The Lake house also has its own kitchen and dining room, with an unforgettable crackled glass dining room table.